Tuesday, February 11, 2014


The comments to this post shall be where you, the gaming public, can make your requests for games that you may not have, but would like to see at Ludophilia IV.

And yes, I can bring Advanced Civilization with the Western Expansion map, or Empires in Arms...


  1. Mark and I will eventually get a google doc listing of games up and running, just like last year, where everyone can post the games they're bringing (and the ones they want to bring.) But discussion of recommendations here would be great, too!

  2. I'm always torn between wanting to play games I know are great, and learning new games, which can be frustrating but also very rewarding.

    I also feel like we don't discuss Rush enough, and how great all their albums are.

  3. I got a request from Brad to play Njet.

  4. The spreadsheet is up at tinyurl.com/ludo4lib. You can enter specific requests there.
